Your well-meaning trip to Africa could cause unintended harm to communities. And bring reputational damage to your program or school.

Your well-meaning trip to Africa could cause unintended harm to communities. And bring reputational damage to your program or school.

Your well-meaning trip to Africa could cause unintended harm to communities. And bring reputational damage to your program or school.

Act Now

So you may be heading overseas to Haiti or a country in Africa, Asia, or South America for a volunteering trip, internship, or long-term fellowship…

And are eager to make a positive change. As anyone with good intentions desires…

But have you thought about the unintended harms your trip may cause?

What steps and actions have you taken to prevent and minimize these risks?

It’s time to put communities first.

We know you want to make a difference. Reinforce your commitment and become recognized as a brand that puts the communities it serves first. Win-win.

Coming soon

Take Our Pre-Trip Course. It’s 100% Free

Start a #CFP chapter

Are you passionate about a world where community voices and cultures are prioritzed? Start a #CFP chapter in your school and be at the forefront of our outreach efforts. Let’s join forces and empower our communities to demand responsible impact initiatives.