Invite people you think will benefit from joining CFP and be one of the change makers in your community.

You will earn a badge as a CFP Champion and stand a chance to attend exclusive invite only events with top industry leaders.

Dear Friend,

Re: Join Us to Help Reduce Harm Experienced by Communities

Hi! You’ve received this email because someone in your network believes you should take the Community First Pledge (CFP). Let’s discuss CFP and why it’s crucial for you to sign up and take the pledge. CFP is a commitment taken by impact facilitators and individuals to declare that they won’t harm the communities they serve and will put communty first by providing honest feedback about the impact of initiatives.

We’ve partnered with donors and funders, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Yale, and Oxbridge universities, to showcase nonprofits, NGOs, and organizations putting communities at the forefront of their initiatives.

You’re likely familiar with numerous cases where communities have suffered due to initiatives meant to improve their lives. If not, read about some here:

– The most recent one involves another child labor saga making international news: (

– An American charity promises to create schools in Liberia to protect girls from rape. Unfortunately, one of their staff members raped and infected young girls at the school with HIV/AIDS. (

We typically learn about these atrocities long after initiatives conclude, leaving us with no way to rectify the harm caused.

That’s why the Community First Pledge (CFP) is coming to life!

CFP provides impact recipients with a platform to share real-time feedback about how their lives are being impacted, whether positively or negatively. This feedback loop ensures that communities get the most out of projects aimed at improving their lives, and initiatives to achieve their impact goals.

Why take the pledge? It adds a layer of trust, assuring communities, future impact partners, and funders that you are committed to putting communities at the forefront of all your initiatives.

Take the pledge: (

Email us: [email protected] if you have further questions.